“Encourage platforms to offer robust remedial options for those whose content has been removed:• Facilitate collaboration between social media companies and civil society groups focused on digital rights to ensure that content moderation and removal processes are aligned with community needs. … Develop media and information literacy and digital skills via education programmes• Provide funding and resources for the development of educational programmes that foster resilience to hate speech, informed by current hate speech trends and responding to related challenges. This requires a close collaboration between social media companies, research institutes and education stakeholders.”https://www.gcedclearinghouse.org/sites/default/files/resources/210585eng.pdfShare this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation ANTISEMITISM IN THE DIGITAL AGE. ONLINE ANTISEMITIC HATE, HOLOCAUST DENIAL, CONSPIRACY IDEOLOGIES AND TERRORISM IN EUROPE (Amadeu Antonio Foundation, Expo Foundation, HOPE not hate) ANALYZING ‘HATE SPEECH PHENOMENON’ RESEARCH IN INDONESIA: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW (Journal of English Education)