“The study demonstrates that speech that approves of the use of violence and dehumanizes others can be found on public, Finnish-language online platforms. It is most prevalent in far-right and anti-immigration online discussions yet also features in far-left discussions, albeit to a lesser degree. Online speech that pertains to the incel and school shooting subcultures is similarly an intermittent occurrence in the material studied. Finnish-language jihadist speech has, on the other hand, been increasingly rare on public online platforms after measures targeting such material were tightened.”https://julkaisut.valtioneuvosto.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/163651/VNTEAS_2021_72.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yMore on countering extremism and hate speech:https://counter-terrorism.org Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation On Simulating the Propagation and Countermeasures of Hate Speech in Social Networks (MDPI) Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. February 2022 (I/II) | Policyinstitute.net