Legal Policies Society Countering Online Hate Speech (La Iniciativa de Comunicación) 12 June 2022 “In conclusion, the report makes that point that the emergence of hate speech online continues to evolve, and that a…
Assorted Policies Society Reflections on hate speech and other thoughts (APC) 12 June 2022 “The goal of the project was to create generative processes and spaces for discussions on hate speech and freedom of…
Policies Council of Europe proposes a comprehensive legal and policy framework to combat hate speech (Council of Europe) 12 June 2022 “The guidelines recommend that member states differentiate between, firstly, the most serious cases of hate speech, which are to be…
Assorted Policies Society Addressing hate speech through improving data collection in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership Region (Council of Europe) 12 June 2022 “A specific session was devoted to the newly adopted Council of Europe Recommendation on combating hate speech that encourages member…
Policies Combating hate speech and hate crime in the EU (Think Tank, European Parliament) 12 June 2022 “In recent times, the European Union (EU) has witnessed a sharp rise in hate speech and hate crime, yet EU…
Algorithms Assorted Memorizing Transformers (arXiv) 12 June 2022 “Language models typically need to be trained or finetuned in order to acquire new knowledge, which involves updating their weights.…
Algorithms Assorted Block-Recurrent Transformers (arXiv) 12 June 2022 “We introduce the Block-Recurrent Transformer, which applies a transformer layer in a recurrent fashion along a sequence, and has linear…
Algorithms Assorted Proactively Reducing the Hate Intensity of Online Posts via Hate Speech Normalization (arXiv) 12 June 2022 “The intention of hate speech normalization is not to support hate but instead to provide the users with a stepping…
Algorithms Assorted Improved two-stage hate speech classification for twitter based on Deep Neural Networks (arXiv) 12 June 2022 “Hate speech is a form of online harassment that involves the use of abusive language, and it is commonly seen…