Algorithms Policies Society AI Hate Speech Detection to Combat Stereotyping & Disinformation (Unite AI) 15 August 2023 Today, the internet is the lifeblood of global communication and connection. However, with this unprecedented online connectivity, we also witness…
Assorted Policies Whitepaper Desinformation und Hate Speech (Corporate Digital Responsibility Initiative) 15 August 2023 Mit dem vorliegenden Whitepaper wollen die Autor*innen aufzeigen, dass Unternehmen durch ihr Engagement gegen Desinformationen und Hate Speech nicht nur…
Algorithms Legal Policies Combating Hate Crimes through Artificial Intelligence: A Technological Approach to Enhance Social Harmony (Countercurrents) 15 August 2023 Hate crimes continue to be a persistent and distressing issue in societies around the world. These malicious acts are fueled…
Algorithms Policies Society Lack of Critical Approach in the Hate Speech Research as Ideological Practice in Indonesia (SHS Web of Conferences) 15 August 2023 his article is a systematic review of hate speech research in Indonesia as it aims to map research trends on…
Algorithms Assorted Hate speech and abusive language detection in Indonesian social media: Progress and challenges (Heliyon) 15 August 2023 This paper discusses a summary of Indonesian HSAL detection research, conducted by utilizing the Kitchenham systematic literature review method. Based…
Algorithms Assorted An In-depth Analysis of Implicit and Subtle Hate Speech Messages (ACL Anthology) 15 August 2023 In this paper, we first provide an in-depth and systematic analysis of 7 standard benchmarks for HS detection, relying on…
Algorithms Assorted What Did You Learn To Hate? A Topic-Oriented Analysis of Generalization in Hate Speech Detection (ACL Anthology) 15 August 2023 Hate speech has unfortunately become a significant phenomenon on social media platforms, and it can cover various topics (misogyny, sexism,…
Algorithms Assorted Causality Guided Disentanglement for Cross-Platform Hate Speech Detection (paperswithcode) 15 August 2023 Our research introduces a cross-platform hate speech detection model capable of being trained on one platform’s data and generalizing to…
Algorithms Assorted Robust Hate Speech Detection in Social Media: A Cross-Dataset Empirical Evaluation (catalycex) 15 August 2023 The automatic detection of hate speech online is an active research area in NLP. Most of the studies to date…