The key to comprehending the best strategies for combating hate speech online is analyzing the elements that the counterspeech employs. The emotional foundation elements of offensiveness, animosity, and emotional empathy that are employed in counterspeech have been evaluated in previous research. This study analyzes the use of reason, emotion, and credibility as the three main persuasion techniques in two types of conversation interactions: closed (multi-turn) and open (single-turn) about racism, sexism, and religious intolerance. This helps researchers better understand the counterspeech employed in talks. The assessment discusses the differences in behavior between machine-generated and human-sourced counterspeech. It evaluates the interaction between the position chosen and the counterspeech’s persuasive technique as well. The authors find subtle variations in the counterspeech persuasion strategies employed in open and closed contacts, particularly concerning the subject matter, with a general inclination to employ reason as a persuasive strategy to convey the opposite viewpoint to hateful remarks. Human counters tend to be more reasoned than machine-generated counters, which typically have an emotive persuasion mode. Additionally, compared to other persuasive strategies, reason often elicits more positive responses, according to the research. this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation Spotlight on cyberbullying (eSafetyCommissioner, Australian Government) Large-Scale Hate Speech Detection with Cross-Domain Transfer (Papers with Code)