Browse and read from a list of the 165 most popular LinkedIn resources dealing with soft counter-extremism, countering hate speech, and on the theory of mis-/disinformation. As posted by Thorsten Koch, MA, PgDip, during the fist half of January 2025…The Top 5 resources, as part of the current issue:A four-step process to transform everyone into a fact-checker (Times Higher Education): Decoding and Countering Misogyny in Academia (Sophie Liesbeth Schmalenberger und Monika H. via LinkedIn): Refugees and Radicalisation: Addressing Malaysia’s overlooked security risks (Awani International, Malaysia): The Role of Education in Prevailing Extremism and Promoting Peace (ABBDM Journal): Chatbots Are Still ‘Hallucinating’ With Misinformation, And It Is Time to Rely on Real News Instead of AI (Tech Times): 2017, we have filed about 18,000 shares on LinkedIn to a network of – now – more than 7,400 followers and connections – with links to articles and documents about preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), against radicalization, on countering hate, and on how to desist from fallacious information. This is one of the reviews of the posts. Each two weeks, the full list of resources, made up of URLs ordered according to content performance, features on the three websites,, and and disinformation: the challenges and solutions for NGOs (gisf): hate speech, pragmatics, and the authority problem (Philosophy & Social Criticism): speech detection in the Bengali language: a comprehensive survey (Journal of Big Data): Can Economics Contribute to the Study of Terrorism? – The Power and Limitation of Economics (Terrorism and Political Violence): Extremism to Moderation: Examining the Impact of the Densus 88 Assistance Program on Ex-Terrorism Convicts in Cirebon, West Java (Analisa, Indonesia):’ experiences and (re)action towards fake news on social media: perspectives from Norway (Ideas, Repec): and Social Media Communication:Spiral of Silence, Bystanders, Relational Aggression, and Schadenfreude (The Journal of Social Media in Society): Mitigation As Counterterrorism Strategy In Nigeria: Examining The Pros And Cons (Journal of Political Discourse): – Based Violence in Digital Spaces (Institute of National Security Studies, Sri Lanka): and Misinformation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse (IEEE Computer Society Digital Library): report addresses misinformation about science (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health): for running a media literacy training (International Journalists’ Network): years of research into hate speech: topics of interest and their evolution (Scientometrics): toxic comments on social media: an extensive evaluation of machine learning techniques (Ideas, Repec): The Legal Challenges Of Online Disinformation And Fake News Regulation (The Amikus Quriae): Journalism: Combating Fake News And Unlicensed Reporting (Bernama): Extremism Education (Ceylon Today): Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: A Comprehensive Approach to Counterterrorism for Global Security (Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies): on misinformation and disinformation prevention for communities in Indonesia: A recap (Diff, Wikimedia): Should security authorities counter false information on social media in crises? A democracy-theoretical and ethical reflection (International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction): far can government authorities go in tackling radicalisation among young people? (Universiteit Leiden): a peaceful future: Power of tolerance in curbing extremism (SAWAB Center): (Mis/Dis)Information Skills: The Need for Educating and Training a Holistic PR Professional (Journal of Public Relations Education): Standards. Hateful Conduct. Current version (Meta Transparency Center): A Dynamic Fusion Model for Multimodal Fake News Detection (SSRN): Terrorist Trends and Analyses (RSiS):…Daily Cuts – Could geopolitical tensions and social media lead to self-radicalisation? (cna): meeting in Riyadh discusses key initiatives to combat extremism (Arab News): Misinformation in User-Generated Discourse (ACM Digital Library): Free Speech and Online Regulation (Legal Service India): Intelligence: A Game Changer In The Fight Against Terrorism? (SEARCCT, Malaysia): Perspektiven auf den Klimaaktivismus [1] (Nina Käsehage) We Fight for Fractured Truths – How Misinformation Fuels Political Violence in Democracies (MediaWell): Finnish youth learn to spot disinformation (AFP via France24):…Informed Counterterrorism with Vanessa Duboulay and Robert Clifford (Women, Peace and Security: Voices of Change; Inter-American Defense College): Methods for Enhancing Cyber Bullying Detection in Social Media (SSRN): augmentation for few-shot multimodal fake news detection (Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence): Video Game Industry Is Finally Getting Serious About Player Safety (WIRED): terrifying rise of child terrorists in the UK (The Telegraph): Strategies to Combat Extremism in the Digital Era (Trends Research and Advisory): French…Guide pour décrypter la désinformation (International Press Institute): Union Media Fellows Build Fact-Checking Skills in Botswana (AfricaBrief): Approaches to Hyperpartisan News Detection (arXiv): Challenges of Creating a Parallel Multilingual Hate Speech Corpus: An Exploration (ACL Anthology): Justice and Hidden Intent: Proving Hate Crimes in Comparative Law (Journal of Ecohumanism): Policy in the ASEAN Region: Comparative Study of Malaysia and Indonesia (Journal Evidence and Law): News Detection Using Deep Learning (SSRN): Media Regulations in Nigeria: Discourses on Statutes and Enforcements (International Journal of Sub-Saharan African Research):, insults and hate speech: the social and psychological power of taboo language (The Conversation): hate: A European communication perspective (Communications, De Gruyter Mouton): Business Cost Of Fake News: Lessons For Leadership In An Era Of Misinformation (Forbes):’s shift to Community Notes model proves that we can fix big problems without big government (R Street): games can support misinformation education: A sociocultural perspective (Ideas, Repec): offensive content: a multimodal approach with emotional understanding (Multimedia Tools and Applications): of psychological processes in information influence operations: Insights from cognitive science (Lund University): News Classification on Social Media in the Field of Environmental Engineering (Chemical Engineering Transactions): Content Moderation: The Urgent Need to Stop Terrorist-Operated Websites (Tech Against Terrorism): Hate Huntern und schleimigen Monstern:Ein Praxisbericht des ProjektsGameD – Gaming for Democracy (ZepRa): on hate crimes now in force (Law Society Gazette Ireland): anti-radicalization center to be set up in Jakarta (Antara): wants more defined provisions in ‘fake news’ bill (ABS CBN): if there are no (easy) answers to terrorism? (Borealis Threat and Risk Consulting): group Etidal helps Telegram remove 160m items of extremist content in 3 years (Arab News): Reshare…Counter Currents Podcast Series (Online Safety Exchange):“Liar, Liar Pants on Fire”: A New Benchmark Dataset for Fake News Detection (ACL Anthology): the Persisting and Desisting Online Posting Behaviors of Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Extremists (VOX Pol): To Countering Extremism In European Countries (Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan Humaniora): to online misinformation: A systematic meta-analysis of demographic and psychological factors (Norwegian Business School): for Automatic Detection of Fake News and Misinformation (Tech RXiv): can advertisers stop funding online hate and disinformation? (Center for Countering Digital Hate):’s a Fact, Anyway? (The New Yorker):…Wenn die Hölle zum Leben erweckt wird (Deutschlandfunk Kultur): and community-based approach in combating agri-food misinformation: A Scoping Review (Advancements in Agricultural Development): survey of textual cyber abuse detection using cutting-edge language models and large language models (arXiv): Approaches To Counter-terrorism: Why Women’s Perspective Matter (SEARCCT, Malaysia): proved a different threat than expected. Here’s how to defend against them (World Economic Forum): Wing Extremism (ISD): Role of Social Media Platforms and Access to Health-Related Information in India During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Phenomenological Study (SSRN): Reports 12,000 Online Hate Messages Targeting Tennis Players in 2024 (archysport): Structured Reasoning Framework for Robust Hate Speech Detection in Memes (arXiv): auf die Auseinandersetzung mit islamistischer Radikalisierung und deren Prävention im späteren Arbeitskontext – eine Interviewstudie mit Studierenden der Islamischen Theologie und Religionslehre in Deutschland (Theo Web): AI Discloses Gender Bias in Sexism Detection Algorithm (ACM Digital Library): The Dark Side of AI (CIO Africa): AI Governance for Africa Toolkit (Thomson Reuters Foundation):, Democracy and the Digital Sphere (Universität Zürich):„Waffe oder Werkzeug? Soziale Medien zwischen Propaganda und Prävention (ExPo): Phase Model of Misinformation Interventions (arXiv): Malawi unveils iVerify to combat misinformation (IT Web Africa): graph-based integration network for propaganda detection in textual news articles on social media (scientific reports): of Resilience: Colombia (Resilience Fund): key aspects of the terrorism landscape in 2025. Challenges 2024 leaves behind (itstime, Italy): laws on hate crime come into force in Ireland (…Which European countries were most exposed to disinformation last year? | Radio Schuman (euronews): and Violence Legitimation in Conspiracy Narratives (VOX Pol):…Prof Sara Davies on ‘disinformation in health’. (SBS Samoan):…Artificial Intelligence accused of powering misinformation on social media (The Australian): Perspectives on Fake News: A Comparative Study of Instagram Users in Greece and Portugal (MDPI): Radicalization in Cyberspace by the Police (SITJOURNAL, Indonesia): of Rumors and Their Sources in Social Networks: A Comprehensive Survey (arXiv): Risks Report 2025 (World Economic Forum): Trust in the Digital Age: A Call for Collective Action – OPERAS Publishes Report on Disinformation and Trust (Informationsdienst Wissenschaft): (News): (Report)Our research into information disorder around the world (BBC Media Action): THE BEND: Disinformation and free speech (MindaNews, Mindanao Institute of Journalism): before you share. Cyberbullying hurts! It leaves a long-lasting impact on children (UNICEF): misinformation in mobile social networks a BERT-LSTM approach for enhancing digital literacy (scientific reports, nature): the Effects of Language Misuse and Hate Speech on Individuals and Corporate Organisations (Afropolitan Journals): online hate: Crowd moderation and the public goods problem (Communications, De Gruyter Mouton):…Disinformation: a common threat to democracies and the liberal world order (Fondation pour la recherche stratégique): Understanding toxic misinformation to stop the spread (BBC Media Action):’s not censorship to stop hateful online content, insists UN rights chief (United Nations): on the Workshop ‘Disinformation and Human Rights in Context’ (2024) (via Human Rights Here): the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Fact-Checking Social Media Content in Nigeria: An Analysis of Tools and Strategies for Combating Misinformation during Elections (SSRN): Media Alone Isn’t Making Us More Intolerant: Evidence from Myanmar (IGCC): Educational Program…Lessons about Journalism and disinformation (BENEDMO): launches initiative against hate speech (DAWN): the Design of Social Networking Sites to Examine the Spread of Political Misinformation Using the Uses and Gratifications Theory (IJRSI International): AI: HAP filtering against harmful content, Hate Speech, and Discrimination in Video Games: A Systematic Review (Social Inclusion): in the Digital Age: The Need for Global Accountability and Transparency (University of Denver): Credibility-Aware Bert Model for Fake News Detection (SSRN): 2025: Misinformation and disinformation are most pressing risks, says World Economic Forum (ComputerWeekly): or Aryan Ideals? A Thematic Content Analysis of White Supremacist Engagement with Generative AI (GNET): Report…Fostering Trust in the Digital Age (OPERAS): A Multilingual Collection of Hate Speech and Abusive Language Datasets for African Languages (arXiv): thrives on outrage, study finds (PsyPost): Watchdogs Warn Meta’s Decision Could Cause Surge in Disinformation (The New York Times): India-Malaysia Security Dialogue: Both sides agree to deepen cooperation in counter-terrorism (The Indian EXPRESS):…Disrupting Terrorist Financing in the Digital Age (Tech Against Terrorism): A Deeper Dive into Uba Sani’s Non-kinetic Model (This Day, Nigeria): shelves fact-checking in policy reversal ahead of Trump administration (Reuters):…Women as Peace Builders (4TH SPACE Concordia University): Crisis of Misinformation vs. The Crisis of Belonging (commpro): A Theory-Driven Dataset of Fake News Generated by Large Language Models (SSRN): information dissemination strategy in social networks based on graph and content analysis (Egyptian Informatics Journal): Simple Habits to Protect Your Mental Wellbeing Online (The Queen Zone): 4 Books Can Help Your Students Spot Fake News (Follett): comprehensive cognitive security in the digital era: Literature review and concept analysis (SSRN): Attention and Abuse (arXiv):…Radicalization through Gaming: The Role of Gendered Social Identity (RUSI):…The Manosphere & Online Radicalization (Lead Balloons Podcast): Introduces Plan To Ban LGBTQ+ Hate Speech (OFM): Faces the Limits of Policing Misinformation (Harvard Business School): to set minimum age for social media use (Borneo Bulletin): a culture of respect and understanding (European School Education Platform): scholars end summit with strong call for girls’ equal education rights ( Trust in the Digital Age: A Call for Collective Action – OPERAS Publishes Report on Disinformation and Trust (Max Weber Stiftung): (News) (Report)Textual variations in social media text processing applications: challenges, solutions, and trends (Artificial Intelligence Review):‘A perfect storm’: Extremism online and political polarization are increasing the risk of attacks, experts say (NBC News):…Gendered Disinformation: A National Security Threat? (Stimson): A MultiModal Targeted Pareto Framework for Fake News Detection (arXiv): thematic analysis of UK COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy discussions on Twitter (BMC Public Health): inquiry: Disinformation diplomacy: How malign actors are seeking to undermine democracy (UK Parliament): Patterns of Language Toxicity and Sentiment of Debunking Posts on Social Media (arXiv): power move is about more than fact checking (the interpreter, Lowy Institute): Need to Address Disinformation and Prioritize a Just Transition in the European Union (Climate Scorecard): Democracy Action Plan. In “A New Push for European Democracy” (European Parliament):…ISD’s Anne Craanen speaks at the Hedayah Research Conference 2024 on misogyny and radicalisation (ISD): and evaluation of a set of attributes appropriate for detection of antisocial behaviour in online media (Multimedia Tools and Applications): Workshop for Central Asia: Detention Monitoring and the Protection of Human Rights While Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization to Terrorism (VERLT) in Prisons (OSCE): articles and analyses on soft counter-extremism, against hate, and on the theory of mis-/disinformation:counter-terrorism.orgpreventhate.orgstrategism.orgRecent LinkedIn posts with summaries on the above subjects: #preventradicalization #preventextremism#preventhate #disinformation #misinformationShare this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation A narrow gateway from misogyny to the far right: empirical evidence for social media exposure effects (Information, Community & Society) A survey of textual cyber abuse detection using cutting-edge language models and large language models (arXiv)