Legal Policies Should Internet shutdowns be used to maintain public order? (Civils Daily, Australia) 14 July 2023 In recent years, the Indian government has increasingly resorted to internet shutdowns as a means to control law and order…
Legal Policies Combating Hate Speech (Council of Europe) 29 June 2023 Hate speech, whether online or offline, poses a threat to democracy and human rights. To address it constitutes an urgent…
Legal Policies eSafety demands answers from Twitter about how it’s tackling online hate (eSafetyCommissioner, Australian Government) 29 June 2023 Australia’s eSafety Commissioner has issued a legal notice to Twitter seeking information about what the social media giant is doing…
Legal Society International Day for Countering Hate Speech (United Nations Population Fund) 17 June 2023 In response to growing xenophobia, racism, intolerance, misogyny, anti-semitism and anti-Muslim hatred, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres launched the UN…
Assorted Legal Policies Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. May 2023 (I/II) | 15 May 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 115 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech, by…
Assorted Legal Policies Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. April 2023 (II/II) | 27 April 2023 On the list below, you will find the 80 most popular LinkedIn posts on the topics of counter-extremism and countering…
Algorithms Legal Policies What to Do if De-Platforming Actually Does not Work 23 April 2023 A recent study by the Journal of Quantitative Description suggests that following the 2021 US Capitol attack, many radicalized users,…
Assorted Legal Policies Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. April 2023 (I/II) | 17 April 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 165 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech, by…
Legal Policies Germany takes on Twitter: Potential 30 bn euro fine? (Middle East Economy) 16 April 2023 Germany may impose a fine on Twitter for repeatedly failing to comply with the NetzDG, a social media hate speech…
Legal Policies ICYMI: New Report on Germany’s NetzDG Online Hate Speech Law Shows No Threat of Over-Blocking (Counter Extremism Project) 16 April 2023 On November 22, the Counter Extremism Project (CEP) in partnership with the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) launched a…
Assorted Legal Policies Society Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. March 2023 (II/II) | 25 March 2023 Browse, select, and read from a list of the 70 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech…
Assorted Legal Policies Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. March 2023 (I/II) | 16 March 2023 In our review, you will find the 110 most popular LinkedIn posts on the topics of counter-extremism and countering hate…