Algorithms Policies Society AI Hate Speech Detection to Combat Stereotyping & Disinformation (Unite AI) 15 August 2023 Today, the internet is the lifeblood of global communication and connection. However, with this unprecedented online connectivity, we also witness…
Assorted Policies Whitepaper Desinformation und Hate Speech (Corporate Digital Responsibility Initiative) 15 August 2023 Mit dem vorliegenden Whitepaper wollen die Autor*innen aufzeigen, dass Unternehmen durch ihr Engagement gegen Desinformationen und Hate Speech nicht nur…
Algorithms Legal Policies Combating Hate Crimes through Artificial Intelligence: A Technological Approach to Enhance Social Harmony (Countercurrents) 15 August 2023 Hate crimes continue to be a persistent and distressing issue in societies around the world. These malicious acts are fueled…
Algorithms Policies Society Lack of Critical Approach in the Hate Speech Research as Ideological Practice in Indonesia (SHS Web of Conferences) 15 August 2023 his article is a systematic review of hate speech research in Indonesia as it aims to map research trends on…
Algorithms Assorted Policies Society Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. July 2023 (II/II) | 29 July 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 150 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech by…
Algorithms Policies Rule By Example: Harnessing Logical Rules for Explainable Hate Speech Detection (arXiv) 28 July 2023 In this paper, we present Rule By Example (RBE): a novel exemplar-based contrastive learning approach for learning from logical rules…
Algorithms Policies Consensus on community guidelines: an experimental study on the legitimacy of content removal in social media (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications) 28 July 2023 Our experimental data reveals that the degree of consensus on the need to remove content is quite high, regardless of…
Legal Policies Society Digital hate speech and othering: The construction of hate speech from Malaysian perspectives (Cogent Arts & Humanities) 28 July 2023 … the challenge of protecting against discrimination, dehumanisation, and incitement to violence while preserving individual freedom of expression seems to…
Policies Society Validation of the multidimensional bystander responses to racist hate speech scale and its association with empathy and moral disengagement among adolescents (Aggressive Behavior) 28 July 2023 Thus, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the newly developed Multidimensional Bystander Responses…
Assorted Policies Countering and Addressing Online Hate Speech: A Guide for policy makers and practitioners (United Nations) 14 July 2023 This document sets up the main recommendations identified through the three years of engagement and dialogue on this topic. It…
Assorted Policies New UN policy paper launched to counter and address online hate (UN News) 14 July 2023 The policy paper, Countering and Addressing Online Hate Speech: A Guide for Policy Makers and Practitioners, was developed jointly by…
Legal Policies Shouting into the Void (PEN America) 14 July 2023 Mechanisms to report abuse to social media platforms are a critical part of the larger content moderation process—and they need…