“Using Interrupted Time Series (ITS) analysis as a causal inference method, we gauge the spillover effect, in which hateful language from within a certain community can spread outside that community by using the level of out-of-community hate word usage as a proxy for learned hate. We investigate four different Reddit subcommunities (subreddits) covering three areas of hate speech: racism, misogyny and fat-shaming. In all three cases we find an increase in hate speech outside the originating community, implying that joining such community leads to a spread of hate speech throughout the platform. Moreover, users are found to pick up this new hateful speech for months after initially joining the community.”https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.08697.pdfShare this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation The Effect of Content Moderation on Online and Offline Hate: Evidence from Germany’s NetzDG (SSRN) Assessing the impact of contextual information in hate speech detection (arXiv)