Assorted Legal Policies Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. February 2023 (II/II) | 28 February 2023 The 75 most popular LinkedIn posts on the topics of counter-extremism and of countering hate speech by Thorsten Koch, MA,…
Assorted Hate Speech. Linguistic Perspectives (De Gruyter Mouton) 28 February 2023 “The book analyses the challenges legal practitioners and linguists must meet when dealing with hate speech, especially with the…
Legal Policies How Online Speech Is Moderated in the US (Bloomberg via The Washington Post) 28 February 2023 “Social media platforms have faced enormous scrutiny over which content they silence and which they amplify. Cases before the…
Assorted Society Offline events and online hate (PLOS ONE) 28 February 2023 “While much progress has been made in analyzing online hate speech, no study to date has classified multiple types…
Legal Policies Society Hate Speech: Turning the tide (United Nations) 28 February 2023 “Online hate speech might seem like an unstoppable tide, but strategies are being employed by governments, civil society, and…
Algorithms Assorted Hate Speech: ‘Lost in Translation’? (Lexology) 28 February 2023 “A recent study led by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) tested different models of offensive speech…
Assorted Society Qualitative research into the impact of online hate (via Ofcom) 28 February 2023 “The frequency and types of hateful abuse experienced were strongly determined by context, including how often participants used different…
Assorted Policies Stepping Forward: Parliaments in the Fight Against Hate Speech (agora-parl) 28 February 2023 “This brief provides an overview of the background, drivers, enablers and the impact of hate speech and identifies strategies…
Algorithms Assorted Hate Speech and Offensive Language Detection using an Emotion-aware Shared Encoder (arXiv) 28 February 2023 “Our findings demonstrate that emotional knowledge helps to more reliably identify hate speech and offensive language across datasets. Our…
Assorted Society An Analysis of Hate Speech Tweets Against Women from a Socio-cognitive Discourse Perspective (SSRN) 28 February 2023 “The research begins by examining the discursive structures that discriminate against women and then examines how cognitive structures shape…
Algorithms Assorted A Federated Approach for Hate Speech Detection (Paperswithcode) 28 February 2023 “Hate speech detection has been the subject of high research attention, due to the scale of content created on…
Algorithms Assorted Covertly communicated hate speech: A corpus-assisted pragmatic study (Journal of Pragmatics) 28 February 2023 “n order to better understand the phenomenon of ‘covertly communicated’ hate speech, one would need to first investigate the…