Algorithms Evaluating the Effectiveness of Natural Language Inference for Hate Speech Detection in Languages with Limited Labeled Data (C[x]) 14 July 2023 In this paper, we test whether natural language inference (NLI) models which perform well in zero- and few-shot settings can…
Algorithms Policies PEACE: Cross-Platform Hate Speech Detection- A Causality-guided Framework (C[x]) 14 July 2023 e revisit if we can learn a generalizable hate speech detection model for the cross platform setting, where we train…
Algorithms Hate Speech Detection via Dual Contrastive Learning (arXiv) 14 July 2023 The fast spread of hate speech on social media impacts the Internet environment and our society by increasing prejudice and…
Algorithms Assorted The Art of Embedding Fusion: Optimizing Hate Speech Detection (arXiv) 14 July 2023 In this work, we shed light on various combination techniques for several PLMs and comprehensively analyze their effectiveness. Our findings…
Algorithms Robust Hate Speech Detection in Social Media: A Cross-Dataset Empirical Evaluation (arXiv) 14 July 2023 In this paper, we perform a large-scale cross-dataset comparison where we fine-tune language models on different hate speech detection datasets.…
Algorithms Assorted Policies Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. July 2023 (I/II) | 13 July 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 130 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech by…