Offline social hierarchies are reflected in online ones. Women are much more likely to experience regular and severe forms of harmful conduct online, even though both men and women may experience violence and abuse. On the internet, women and girls are more likely to come across dangerous and demeaning content, such as spoofing and monitoring tools designed to scare them or make them question their beliefs. Girls and women have reportedly experienced a variety of forms of online sexual harassment, including threats of murder or rape delivered over social media or email, stalking, phone calls, doxing, identity theft, cyberbullying, instigating violence, and posting their private images or videos without their consent. For the purpose of the study, an academic and literature review is conducted. this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation From Research to Action: Evidence-Based Strategies to Combat Online Hate Speech Against Women in Armenia (European Partnership for Democracy) Two Weeks in Soft Security: Free Resources on Countering Extremism, Hate, and Disinformation, December 2024 (II/II)