Browse and read from a list of the 148 most popular LinkedIn resources dealing with soft counter-extremism, countering hate speech, and on the theory of mis-/disinformation. As posted by Thorsten Koch, MA, PgDip, during the second half of December 2024…The Top 5 resources, as part of the current issue:Exploring P/CVE Models in the EU and MENA Region: A Focus on the Jordanian Model (European Commission): Predicting Misinformation Beliefs Across Four Countries: The Role of Narcissism, Conspiracy Mentality, Social Trust, and Perceptions of Unsafe Neighborhoods (Journal of Social and Political Psychology): We Must Understand Why Youth Are radicalized. It’s Not Just Manipulation (Homeland Security News Wire): Indonesia Blocks Over 180,000 Pieces Of Terrorism-linked Content In 2024 (Bernama): Antifeminist, manosphere and right-wing extremist sentiment among men who use domestic and family violence: masculinism, misinformation, and the justificatory logics of violence (International Journal for Masculinity Studies): 2017, we have filed almost 18,000 shares on LinkedIn to a network of – now – more than 7,300 followers and connections – with links to articles and documents about preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE), against radicalization, on countering hate, and on how to desist from fallacious information. This is one of the reviews of the posts. Each two weeks, the full list of resources, made up of URLs ordered according to content performance, features on the three websites listed above.Youth Susceptibility to Radicalization (International Social Science Review): probation services in Kosovo: training probation officers on rehabilitation, reintegration and preparation for release (Council of Europe): Challenges of Online Disinformation: Analysis of National Legislation and International Approaches to Disinformation and Fake News (Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental): linguistic analysis of nationality-based hate speech on Facebook : the case of the Italian language (Jagiellonian University Repository): of Artificial Intelligence–Generated Content Labels On Perceived Accuracy, Message Credibility, and Sharing Intentions for Misinformation: Web-Based, Randomized, Controlled Experiment (JMIR Publications): for Community Development Programming to Address Violent and Hateful Extremism (Journal for Deradicalization): English and French…Comment qualifier les relations entre les médias sociaux et les processus de radicalisation menant à la violence ? (Quaderni):…Online hate unmasked (DW Documentary): bias detection on hate speech classification: an analysis at feature-level (Neural Computing and Applications): call for more education on violent extremism in border towns (GhanaWeb): of Education in Prevention of Violent Extremism amongst Youth in Kenya (Spring Journals): Work Methods and Prevention of Radicalization (Journal for Deradicalization): Prepares To Bring Ex-ISIS Families Home – Analysis (eurasia review): Correlation Between Misinformation, Outrage, and Social Media Content Sharing (Disinformatino Social Media Alliance): and Debunking Disinformation: A Guide for Journalists (Disinformation Social Media Alliance): narrow gateway from misogyny to the far right: empirical evidence for social media exposure effects (Information, Communication & Society): teacher capacities in preventing bullying, violence, and extremism in Albanian schools (Council of Europe Office in Tirana): half of EU youngsters exposed to online abuse, new report finds (euronews): AI & Misinformation (Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence): Contrastive Language-Speech Pretraining for Multilingual Multimodal Information Retrieval (arXiv): violence in digital spaces (The Morning, Sri Lanka): Maghrebi Arabic Content on Social Media (Center for Democracy and Technology): model to strengthen schools’ work to prevent violent extremism and school attacks Literature review and conversation guide (cve, Sweden): News Detection in Indonesian Political Headlines Using Multinomial Naive Bayes (JITSI): Role of AI in Real-Time Moderation for Live Streaming Platforms (ascentt): and LLM Biases in Hate Speech Annotations: A Socio-Demographic Analysis of Annotators and Targets (arXiv): Global Summit: Building Trust for Multi-Actor, Whole-of-Society Prevention (Strong Cities Network): Hate Speech Annotations with Background Semantics (IOS Press): the risk of generative AI models creating Child Sexual Abuse Materials (Thorn): news, misinformation and lack of training are problems facing journalists (Vijesti, Montenegro): the Predominance of Large Language Models in Low-Resource Bangla Language over Transformer Models for Hate Speech Detection: A Comparative Analysis (MDPI): Dangers of AI Mental Health Misinformation (Psychology Today): Global Summit: South-to-South Cooperation — Enhancing Cross-Regional Collaboration (Strong Cities Network): Protection and Risk: Australia’s Social Media Ban and the Threat of Youth Radicalisation (Australian Institute of International Affairs):, Adversity and Violent Extremism: Implications for Risk Assessment (CREST Research): enhances media and information literacy skills to effectively prevent and counter violent extremism (OSCE): We in the AI-Generated Text World Already? Quantifying and Monitoring AIGT on Social Media (arXiv): Disinformation and Fake News: An ASEAN Response Strategy (Disinformation Social Media Alliance): AI can help combat mis- and disinformation about migration (World Economic Forum):‘New Quest Unlocked’: UN experts counter extremism in gaming spaces (United Nations): Moderation (spectrum labs): prepares to bring ex-ISIS families home (East Asia Forum): Fake News Using Machine Learning (IRJMETS): Guidance Guide: To Combat Hate Speech on the Internet Through Human Rights Education (UNESCO Clearinghouse on Global Citizenship Education): for Hire: A Field Experiment on Unethical Jobs in Online Labor Markets (European Economic Review): science and misinformation (illuminem): athletes offered AI protection on social media platforms to combat cyber bullying (The Guardian): Conflict and Resilient Urban Spaces in the Global South: Learning from Community Peacebuilding in Jos, Nigeria (Accord, South Africa): Kiswahili Content on Social Media (Center for Democracy and Technology): out the truth from a sea of misinformation (The Business Standard, Bangladesh):…Teaching media literacy around the world: Best practices from three continents (The International Journalists’ Network): Office to review autism cases in anti-extremism unit (Financial Times): Controls Free Speech on Social Media? (SSRN): warning for parents as horrifying trend among kids emerges online ( Intelligence: High-level Briefing (Security Council Report): ChatGPT show gender bias in behavior detection? (Humanities and Social Sciences Communications): Media Users’ Motives for (Not) Engaging With Hate Speech: An Explorative Investigation (Social Media + Society): report focuses on the role of research and technology in civil security resilience (European Commission): (News) (Report)Simulated Misinformation Susceptibility (SMISTS): Enhancing Misinformation Research with Large Language Model Simulations (ACL Anthology): social media use: how user characteristics shape the actualisation of ambiguous affordances (European Journal of Information Systems): warns of increased aggression, hate speech in media (N1, Serbia): Nexus of Strategic Communications, Disinformation, and Violent Extremism (Disinformation Social Media Alliance): Urgency of Civil Society’s Understanding of Radicalism in South Sumatra (Universitas Bangka Belitung, Indonesia): News Detection on Social Media Using Ensemble Methods (Tech Science Press): Risks at the Intersection of Climate Insecurity and Violent Extremism: Key Insights and Recommendations from the Dakar Design Workshop (UNICRI): Global Summit: Good Practices for Strengthening National – Local Cooperation in Prevention and Response (Strong Cities Network): eBook…Understanding and Addressing Misinformation About Science (National Academies):, Emotional Urgency, and Radicalization: The Impulsive Route is Paved in Malice (Terrorism and Political Violence): and SWIDA Empower Pido Community to Counter Violent Extremism (SWIDA Ghana): into Qualitative Implications of Synthetic Data for Hate Speech Detection (ACL Anthology): of Disinformation Trends in Africa (Disinformation Social Media Alliance): Struggling to Detect Early Warnings of Terrorism, Radicalisation: BIRN Report (BalkanInsight): Testing for Generative AI (Google): Whole Truth: How to Identify and Combat Misinformation (Precision): leads the world in setting new standards for online child safety (eSafety Commissioner): Offense Against Disinformation (Center for European Policy Analysis): How they are Radicalized, and How to Deradicalize Them (Modern Diplomacy): solutions urged to counter spread of science misinformation in new report co-authored by Northeastern professor (Northeastern University): PA stresses the key role of legislation & education in preventing violent extremism at the 2024 Internet Governance Forum in Riyad (OSCE Parliamentary Assembly): Integrity. The Information Ecosystem in the Digital Age (United Nations): analysis of online social data on the long-term sentiment and content dynamics of online (mis)information (Computers in Human Behavior): UK Online Safety Act, the EU Digital Services Act and online disinformation: is the right to political participation adequately protected? (Journal of Media Law): Identified as the Most Significant Threat to the United States (Disinformation Social Media Alliance): online hate: A scientometric analysis on research trends and hotspots in research on online hate (PLOS One): to Anti-Institutionalism in the Netherlands: Challenges and Opportunities for (Local) Policymakers (ICCT):…‘New Quest Unlocked’: UN experts counter extremism in gaming spaces (United Nations):…Is an act of violence terrorism if there is no underlying coherent ideology? (Borealis): Detection: Developing a Categorical Framework Through Thematic Analysis (MDPI): of LLM Vulnerabilities to Being Misused for Personalized Disinformation Generation (arXiv): launches master certificates for online training on tackling misinformation (AFP): (News) (Courses)From single-task to multi-task: Unveiling the dynamics of knowledge transfers in disinformation detection (Information Sciences): Misinformation, Its Origins and Impacts, and Mitigation Strategies Examined in New Report; Multisector Action Needed to Increase Visibility of, Access to High-Quality Science Information (National Academies):’s first Office of Violence Prevention planned for region (West of England): Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning and Transformer-Based Approaches (MDPI):„Soziale Isolierung“ über TikTok: Islamisten missbrauchen Jugendliche für Terroranschläge in Deutschland (Frankfurter Rundschau): Technology’s Role in Combatting Disinformation (JD Supra Perspectives): action against hate speech requires all of us to work together (Republic of Slovenia): Role of Accounting Information in an Era of Fake News (Journal of Accounting and Economics):…Hate Speech (Cambridge University Press & Assessment): Regional Forum on the IGAD Regional Cooperation and Coordination Mechanism (RCCM) Against Transnational Security Threats (TSTs) Statute and Operationalisation (IGAD): resilience in the civil security domain based on research and technology (German Prevention Congress): (News) (Report)Polarization and hate speech based on fuzzy logic and transformers: the case of the 2023 Spanish general elections (Ideas, Repec): Efficient and Explainable Hate Speech Detection via Model Distillation (arXiv): and Addressing Misinformation About Science (National Academies): Nigeria Joins Pcve Kirh Cop To Reflect On The Pcve Journey (YIAVHA Nigeria):…Holistic Regulatory Approaches Rooted in Community Collaboration Can Better Regulate Extreme Speech (Center for the Study of Organized Hate): Counter-Terrorism and Multiple and Complex Needs: A Policy-Informed Discourse Analysis (European Journal for Security Research): artificial intelligence can be weaponized for harassment (Global Voices advox): News Detection: Comparative Evaluation of BERT-like Models and Large Language Models with Generative AI-Annotated Data (arXiv): beyond the fact-check (Nieman Lab): the Persisting and Desisting Online Posting Behaviors of Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Extremists (VOX Pol): outlines new action to tackle radicalisation (GOV.UK): Kosovo Presents Report on Challenges to Terrorism Prevention Strategy (BIRN): over children accessing extremist material online (Australian Federal Police):…EP 46 | The Disinformation Frontline: Lessons from Irish and European practitioners (European Movement Ireland): in the Digital Age: Impacts on Democracy and Strategies for Mitigation (SSRN):…SIGNAL Media’s Disruptive by Design: Disinformation—The Influence of Foreign Actors (AFCEA International): Speech Detection Using Glove Word Embedding And Gated Recurrent Unit (JUTIF, Indonesia): Belief to Hate. An Analysis of the Beliefs That Support the Hate Speech Towards Migrants and Refugees Spread on Twitter from the Theory of Reasoned Action (Tripodos):…Can Democracies Play Offense on Disinformation? (The Lawfare Podcast): for government should include ‘turning off toxic recommender systems’ (Breaking News, Ireland): isms? On the danger of conflating hate and offence in abusive language detection (The University of Edinburgh): you know if your kid was being radicalised online? (9News, Australia):…Uniting against hate speech, hate crimes and discrimination in Europe (SYMBIOSIS):…Online abuse and its effect on politics (cpac, Canada): Opportunities Against Hate Speech (Algerian Scientific Journal Platform): the Systemic Risk Assessments for Major Speech Platforms: Notes and Observations (Tech Policy Press): and Classification of fake news on Social Media Application (JETIR):…2025: European Year of Digital Citizenship Education (Council of Europe): ‘Transnationalism’ as an Analytical Lens for Understanding REMVE Terrorism (Combating Terrorism Center at West Point): Disinformation Market: Battling Fake News In Finance (Forbes): you believe it? Examining user engagement with fake news on social media platforms (Technological Forecasting and Social Change):…Social Media and Domestic Radicalization (Justice Today, U.S. NIJ): Paper | Social media aids the rise in the populism with the potencial to destabilize democracy (AEGEE): changed as tech firms grapple with Australia’s age check and social media ban laws (The Guardian): show power-motivated social media users disproportionately spread misinformation ( and related Risk-Mitigation Measures for Disinformation in the Very Large Online Platforms: A systematic review of the implementation of big tech commitments to the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation (European Fact-Checking Standards Network): eBook…Praxisempfehlungen Demokratieförderung und Radikalisierungsprävention. Beschreibung und Bewertung von Maßnahmen der entwicklungs-orientierten Prävention (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena): solutions needed to counter spread of science misinformation, says new report ( in unity: collaborative efforts against health misinformation in the Pacific (World Health Organization): articles and analyses on soft counter-extremism, against hate, and on the theory of mis-/disinformation:counter-terrorism.orgpreventhate.orgstrategism.orgRecent LinkedIn posts with summaries on the above subjects: #preventradicalization #preventextremism#preventhate #disinformation #misinformationShare this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation New world-first standards set new rules for how tech giants must tackle worst-of-the-worst online content (eSafety Commissioner, Australia) SAFE-MEME: Structured Reasoning Framework for Robust Hate Speech Detection in Memes (arXiv)