Algorithms Large-Scale Hate Speech Detection with Cross-Domain Transfer (arXiv) 16 March 2022 “In this study, we construct large-scale tweet datasets for hate speech detection in English and a low-resource language, Turkish, consisting…
Algorithms Society Impact and dynamics of hate and counter speech online (Springer Open) 18 February 2022 “Citizen-generated counter speech is a promising way to fight hate speech and promote peaceful, non-polarized discourse. However, there is a…
Algorithms Going Extreme: Comparative Analysis of Hate Speech in Parler and Gab (arXiv) 18 February 2022 “We experiment with an array of algorithms for hate-speech detection, demonstrating limitations of transfer learning in that domain, given the…
Algorithms Hate speech in social media: How platforms can do better (PHYS.ORG) 18 February 2022 “In a report from the Anti-Defamation League, Libby Hemphill, an affiliate analysis professor at U-M’s Institute for Social Analysis and…
Algorithms A Feature Extraction based Model for Hate Speech Identification (arXiv) 17 January 2022 “The detection of hate speech online has become an important task, as offensive language such as hurtful, obscene and insulting…
Algorithms Arabic Offensive and Hate Speech Detection Usinga Cross-Corpora Multi-Task Learning Model (MDPI) 30 November 2021 “This study investigates offensive and hate speech on Arab social media to build an accurate offensive and hate speech detection…
Algorithms Latent Hatred: A Benchmark for Understanding Implicit Hate Speech (Association for Computational Linguistics) 30 November 2021 “Despite much attention being paid to characterize and detect discriminatory speech, most work has focused on explicit or overt hate…
Algorithms Detecting Hate Speech with GPT-3 (arXiv) 30 November 2021 “We use GPT-3 to identify sexist and racist text passages with zero-, one-, and few-shot learning. We find that with…
Algorithms Classification of Hate Speech Using Deep Neural Networks (HAL) 19 November 2021 “Through this work, we propose some solutions for the problem of automatic detection of hate messages. We perform hate speech…
Algorithms Developing an online hate classifer for multiple social media platforms (Springer) 19 November 2021 “To address this research gap, we collect a total of 197,566 comments from four platforms: YouTube, Reddit, Wikipedia, and Twitter,…
Algorithms An Empirical Study of Offensive Language in Online Interactions (Rochester Institute of Technology) 19 November 2021 “Content moderators often have to deal with lengthy texts without any word-level indicators. We propose a neural transformer approach for…
Algorithms Hate Speech Detection: A Solved Problem? The Challenging Case of Long Tail on Twitter (IOS Press) 19 November 2021 “A large number of methods have been developed for automated hate speech detection online. This aims to classify textual content…