Assorted Policies Countering and Addressing Online Hate Speech: A Guide for policy makers and practitioners (United Nations) 14 July 2023 This document sets up the main recommendations identified through the three years of engagement and dialogue on this topic. It…
Assorted Policies New UN policy paper launched to counter and address online hate (UN News) 14 July 2023 The policy paper, Countering and Addressing Online Hate Speech: A Guide for Policy Makers and Practitioners, was developed jointly by…
Assorted Legal Society Conceptualising the tortuous harms of sexist and racist hate speech (Cambridge University Press) 14 July 2023 In this paper, we argue that these systemic injustices must inform how we think of tortuous harms that arise from…
Algorithms Assorted Empirical Evaluation of Public Hate Speech Dataset (SSRN) 14 July 2023 In this study we provide a comprehensive empirical evaluation of numerous public datasets commonly employed in automated hate speech classification.…
Algorithms Assorted Society Hate Speech Dynamics Against African descent, Roma and LGBTQI Communities in Portugal (ACL Anthology) 14 July 2023 This paper introduces FIGHT, a dataset containing 63,450 tweets, posted before and after the official declaration of Covid-19 as a…
Algorithms Assorted The Art of Embedding Fusion: Optimizing Hate Speech Detection (arXiv) 14 July 2023 In this work, we shed light on various combination techniques for several PLMs and comprehensively analyze their effectiveness. Our findings…
Algorithms Assorted Policies Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. July 2023 (I/II) | 13 July 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 130 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech by…
Algorithms Assorted Policies Society Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. June 2023 (II/II) | 29 June 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 130 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech by…
Assorted Policies Our Common Agenda. Policy Brief 8. Information Integrity on Digital Platforms (United Nations) 17 June 2023 The present policy brief is focused on how threats to information integrity are having an impact on progress on global,…
Assorted Society Marking International Day for Countering Hate Speech, Secretary-General Calls for Renewed Efforts Promoting Peaceful, Just Societies (United Nations) 17 June 2023 Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message on the International Day for Countering Hate Speech, observed 18 June:Hate speech is…
Assorted Society UN Human Rights Chief: Hate speech has no place in our world (OHCHR) 17 June 2023 The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk has called on everyone to work together to build a more…
Assorted Contextures of hate: Towards a systems theory of hate communication on social media platforms (The Communication Review) 17 June 2023 We inquire into different perspectives and patterns of problematizing online hate speech within the social sciences from a systems-theoretical perspective.…