Algorithms Society Impact and dynamics of hate and counter speech online (Springer Open) 18 February 2022 “Citizen-generated counter speech is a promising way to fight hate speech and promote peaceful, non-polarized discourse. However, there is a…
Algorithms Going Extreme: Comparative Analysis of Hate Speech in Parler and Gab (arXiv) 18 February 2022 “We experiment with an array of algorithms for hate-speech detection, demonstrating limitations of transfer learning in that domain, given the…
Society To combat online hate speech, organize (Santa Fe Institute) 18 February 2022 “While this study focuses on the specific scenario of hate and counter speech on German Twitter, the findings offer insight…
Assorted Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. January 2022 (I/II) 16 January 2022 The 50 most popular LinkedIn posts on the topics of counter-extremism and of countering hate speech posted by Thorsten Koch,…
Society ANTISEMITISM IN THE DIGITAL AGE. ONLINE ANTISEMITIC HATE, HOLOCAUST DENIAL, CONSPIRACY IDEOLOGIES AND TERRORISM IN EUROPE (Amadeu Antonio Foundation, Expo Foundation, HOPE not hate) 30 November 2021 “While all forms of antisemitism can be found on all platforms, the amount of overt and extreme antisemitism on a…
Algorithms Latent Hatred: A Benchmark for Understanding Implicit Hate Speech (Association for Computational Linguistics) 30 November 2021 “Despite much attention being paid to characterize and detect discriminatory speech, most work has focused on explicit or overt hate…