Legal Society 25+ Online hate crime statistics and facts (comparitech) 10 October 2022 “The rates of hate crime and hate speech are increasing, with incidents taking place offline and online. We reveal the…
Legal Policies Supreme Court slams TV channels for unregulated hate speech (Asianet News, India) 10 October 2022 “In 2017, the Law Commission had submitted a report recommending specific laws. ‘Hate speech has not been defined in any…
Legal Policies Social media platforms must regulate misinformation and hate speech (The Saturday Standard, Kenya) 17 September 2022 There is growing concern that social media platforms threaten democracy, freedom of choice, national cohesion, and other human rights. During…
Legal Policies Hate Crime and Hate Speech in Europe: Comprehensive Analysis of International Law Principles, EU-wide Study and National Assessments (European Commission) 15 July 2022 The report examines the European and international law principles applicable for the prevention and repression of hate crimes, and in…
Algorithms Legal Policies Society TACKLING ONLINE HATE SPEECH THROUGH CONTENT MODERATION (University of Oxford) 15 July 2022 This paper builds on the existing work of United Nations bodies to provide more granular and well-calibrated guidance on the…
Legal Society Textual Analysis of Select Social Media Hate Speech Messages against Clergymen in Nigeria (SAU JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL SCIENCES) 15 July 2022 The researchers concluded that there are many hate speeches made against clergymen in the social media, especially hate speeches on…
Legal Policies Society Accountability And Sanctions Are Key In The Fight Against Hate Speech (CIN.BA) 15 July 2022 Hate speech is difficult to recognize, although it is increasingly present in public space, so the fight against it requires…
Assorted Legal Policies Countering Online Hate Speech (La Iniciativa de Comunicación) 15 July 2022 The report groups its findings into four major areas – definition, jurisdiction, comprehension, and intervention. Hate speech is a generic…
Legal Policies Society Platform regulation of hate speech – a transatlantic speech compromise? (Journal of Media Law) 12 June 2022 “This paper argues that the binary opposition in the treatment of hate speech in the US and Europe hides non-binary…
Assorted Legal Policies Society Combating Online Hate Speech: The Impact of Legislation on Twitter (ZEW) 12 June 2022 “We analyze the impact of the Network Enforcement Act, the first regulation which aims at restraining hate speech on large…
Assorted Legal Policies Society Addressing hate speech through improving data collection in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership Region (Council of Europe) 12 June 2022 “A specific session was devoted to the newly adopted Council of Europe Recommendation on combating hate speech that encourages member…
Legal Policies Society Regulating online hate will have unintended, but predictable, consequences (The Conversation) 12 June 2022 “It is difficult to argue against the motivations for the proposed anti-hate bill. At the same time, the discourse around…