Society The Role of Victim’s Resilience and Self-Esteem in Experiencing Internet Hate (MDPI) 19 October 2022 “A total of 60 public figures (politicians, athletes, and artists; 46.7% women) and 1128 ordinary Internet users (25.1% women) participated…
Algorithms Assessing the impact of contextual information in hate speech detection (arXiv) 19 October 2022 “In this work, we provide a novel corpus for contextualized hate speech detection based on user responses to news posts…
Algorithms Society Quantifying How Hateful Communities Radicalize Online Users (arXiv) 19 October 2022 “Using Interrupted Time Series (ITS) analysis as a causal inference method, we gauge the spillover effect, in which hateful language…
Algorithms Legal The Effect of Content Moderation on Online and Offline Hate: Evidence from Germany’s NetzDG (SSRN) 19 October 2022 “Using a difference-in-differences strategy, we find that the law was associated with a statistically significant reduction in toxic posts by…
Society 25+ Online hate crime statistics and facts (comparitech) 17 October 2022 “The rates of hate crime and hate speech are increasing, with incidents taking place offline and online. We reveal the…
Algorithms Improving Generalization of Hate Speech Detection Systems to Novel Target Groups via Domain Adaptation (ACL Anthology) 17 October 2022 “In this paper, we investigate the generalization capabilities of deep learning models to different target groups of hate speech under…
Algorithms Society Quantifying How Hateful Communities Radicalize Online Users (arXiv) 17 October 2022 “We measure members’ usage of hate speech outside the studied community before and after they become active participants. Using Interrupted…
Algorithms Assessing the impact of contextual information in hate speech detection (arXiv) 17 October 2022 “In this work, we provide a novel corpus for contextualized hate speech detection based on user responses to news posts…
Algorithms Society How to Detect Online Hate towards Migrants and Refugees? Developing and Evaluating a Classifier of Racist and Xenophobic Hate Speech Using Shallow and Deep Learning ( 17 October 2022 “First, various traditional shallow learning algorithms are used. Second, deep learning is used, specifically, an ad hoc developed RNN model.…
Legal Policies Rapid action needed on online hate, say Angela Rayner and Sadiq Khan (The Guardian) 17 October 2022 “Ministers need to push through legislative efforts to clamp down on online hate, Angela Rayner and Sadiq Khan have argued,…
Assorted Policies Tackling online hate speech in Africa and beyond: “We can’t trust Big Tech to abide by its own rules” (APC) 17 October 2022 “Technology companies now do offer channels for users to flag hate speech. However, Martins of APC noted that these remain…
Legal If you are accused of hate speech, consider taking legal advice from an internet law solicitor (Cohen Davis Solicitors) 17 October 2022 “If you have been threatened and abused online and been a target of hate speech, it can make you feel…