Policies Society Hate Speech Detection and Bias in Supervised Text Classification (Oxford Academic) 25 December 2023 In particular, the chapter examines racial bias in these systems, explaining why models intended to detect hate speech can discriminate…
Algorithms Policies Enhancing Hate Speech Detection with Large Language Model-Based Dataset Re-Labeling (Openeview) 25 December 2023 Upon a rigorous definition of hate speech, we present a new way of labeling hate speech data using LLM with…
Algorithms Assorted Policies Society Free Resources on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech, December 2023 (I/II) 17 December 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 165 most popular LinkedIn resources that deal with counter-extremism and countering hate…
Algorithms Policies Review of Recent Trends in the Detection of Hate Speech and Offensive Language on Social Media (Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica) 12 December 2023 In the article, we describe recent trends in the detection of hate speech and offensive language on social media. We…
Algorithms Legal Policies Society Online content moderation – Current challenges in detecting hate speech (FRA, European Union) 06 December 2023 Online hate speech is a growing problem in today’s digitalised societies. Women, Black people, Jews and Roma are often targets…
Legal Policies Society Study on preventing and combating hate speech in times of crisis (INACH) 06 December 2023 The recommendations to enhance the fight against hate speech in times of crisis include assessing and amending legal frameworks, as…
Algorithms Assorted Policies Society Free Resources on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech, November 2023 (II/II) 03 December 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 150 most popular LinkedIn resources that deal with counter-extremism and countering hate…
Legal Policies Society By the Book: Appropriate Measures of Policing 25 November 2023 A usual day in policing should, except in the event of urgency where danger is imminent or things are too…
Legal Policies Society Why I Post Against Extremism and Hate 22 November 2023 Today, I thought back, reminiscing over what prompted me to issue posts against extremism and hate on LinkedIn. I still…
Algorithms Legal Policies Countering online hate speech. Global overview of the dynamics characterizing hate speech online (UNESCO) 19 November 2023 The present report provides a global overview of the dynamics characterizing hate speech online and some of the measures that…
Legal Policies Countering Online Hate Speech: How Does Human Rights Due Diligence Impact Terms of Service? (Computer Law and Security Review, SSRN) 19 November 2023 At the European Union (EU) level, cross-sector initiatives regulate the rights of marginalised groups and establish HRDD responsibilities for online…
Algorithms Assorted Policies Society Free Resources on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech, November 2023 (I/II) 18 November 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 100 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech by…