Legal Policies Society Why I Post Against Extremism and Hate 22 November 2023 Today, I thought back, reminiscing over what prompted me to issue posts against extremism and hate on LinkedIn. I still…
Legal Society Hate speech in times of crisis: new study published by the Council of Europe anti-discrimination, diversity and inclusion committee (Council of Europe) 19 November 2023 In order to be prepared to tackle hate speech in times of crisis, legal frameworks should be amended, law enforcement…
Algorithms Legal Policies Countering online hate speech. Global overview of the dynamics characterizing hate speech online (UNESCO) 19 November 2023 The present report provides a global overview of the dynamics characterizing hate speech online and some of the measures that…
Legal Policies Countering Online Hate Speech: How Does Human Rights Due Diligence Impact Terms of Service? (Computer Law and Security Review, SSRN) 19 November 2023 At the European Union (EU) level, cross-sector initiatives regulate the rights of marginalised groups and establish HRDD responsibilities for online…
Assorted Legal and its Status as an NGO 10 November 2023 Dear Network, Recently, I was pointed to an essential matter: what is the legal status of I had never…
Algorithms Assorted Legal Policies Society Free Resources on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech, September 2023 (II/II) 02 October 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 125 most popular LinkedIn posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech by…
Assorted Legal Online Harassment in India: Concept & Laws (Legal Upanishad, India) 07 September 2023 Only through collective efforts to raise awareness, foster empathy, and institute effective preventive measures can we hope to reclaim the…
Legal Policies Online Safety Bill: Progress of the Bill (House of Commons Library) 07 September 2023 The Bill has five policy objectives:
Assorted Legal UK acknowledges possible encryption hurdles as online safety law looms (Business Standard) 07 September 2023 The UK acknowledged possible technical hurdles in its planned crackdown on illegal online content after encrypted messaging companies including WhatsApp…
Legal Policies Enhancing online safety: Typology of Harms explained (Crisp Thinking) 30 August 2023 Recognising the complex nature of online safety, the typology builds upon prior research into risk classification enshrined in the EU…
Algorithms Assorted Legal Policies Society Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. August 2023 (II/II) | 29 August 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 120 most popular posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech by Thorsten…
Algorithms Assorted Legal Policies Society Review on Countering Extremism and Hate Speech. August 2023 (I/II) | 15 August 2023 Browse and read from a list of the 100 most popular posts about counter-extremism and countering hate speech by Thorsten…